Mon 27 Jan
DIAMOND princess(.) FUN-SIZE (.) Asian/ Mexican(.)ask for $125$ SPECIAL(.) last 2 days in lubbock(.) - 22
Can YOu SNeAK AwAy?? ★ 12O FULL HR. ❤ T0DAY 0NLY ❤ I WaNNa PLaY! - 23
100hh======= AvAiLaBlE 24/7 ======= iNdEpEnDeNt ===== NiCe RoUnD AsS ======= bUtTeR sKiN ====== 180h - 22
▒ 150$$ Specials ▒ All Night ▒ ★ Sexy * Beautiful * Latina ★ ▒ 100% Real "Outcalls Only" - 26
(Lubbock, lubbock tx Outcalls Only!!!)
💟💟 ⬆⬆{♛♕••1∅∅∅% ᗰe oᖇ itᔕ ᖴᖇEE••♕♛} ⬆ 💟NEW💦🎀💦💟⁂ TØuℂh M℮ ⁂T℮₳s℮ ₥℮ ⁂ ℙl℮₳s℮ ₥℮⁂💟 🐰💟💦🎀💦 {♛♕ᖇEᗩᒪ}® - 21
(Lubbock, Lubbock incall& Outs 🌹)
💘💎➔➔╠╣0T! ╠╣0T! ➔ SIMPLY PERFECT!!!💘💎 ╠╣0T! ╠╣0T! ➔➔ ╠╣0T! ╠╣0T Spec All day - 26
(Midland / Odessa, odessa Incall no in call Midland)
✨🌟✨ 100% 🌟 Independantly ✨ Owned 🌟 And ✨ Operated ✨ 🌟✨ - 37
(Lubbock, Buddy Holly Area/South Loop 289)
Sun 26 Jan
💯🅽🅴🆆 💯 🅽🅴🆆💯new girls💯💯grand opening📞806-715-7151📞❤️💋❤️superb service❤️best massage💋💃
(22nd St, Lubbock, TX 79410)
Sun 12 Jan
Beautiful Woman Now Serving Lubbock! IN-CALL 1 HR/250, 2 HRS./300, OUT-CALL 1 Hr/300, 2 Hrs/ 500 - 44
★ *🍦SEdUCTiVE♡* 🍦 IndEpeNdenT *👀 🌸 ★ SExY★🌸 💎💎 PLAyMATE💖100% Real Pictures! CALL ME NoW - 24
😋💃😋 Call for PHONE SEX with HORNY GIRLS 📞 1-800-Jet-Doll 📞 😋💃😋 - 22
(Abilene, Amarillo, El Paso, Lubbock, Midland / Odessa, PHONE SEX)
💦⛲💦⛲ ► STeaMy_NeW_HottiE _M3__ NaUtHy 💎 BaD 💉💊💌Amber Rose►📞 💋 - 27 - 27
(Lubbock, My PlaCe oR YouRs)
💎 💕Young $exy Latin $ugarBaby, Let's Make This A Regular Thing💎 💕(Talking Stick Resort) - 22
❀ ☆Trinity☆╯ 【LeT's MAkE╰╮ Your ✿★✿ 【DREaMs】╰╮❤╭╯ 【BEcOmE OUR【 REALITY】♡☆ call ☆ now☆♡ - 24
(Brown field post slaton levelland plainv, Lubbock)
×X× •『SeXy SweeT ᗷoϻЬႽհεll』✨NasTy •☆ uℓtiℳαtε ρℓαγMαtε╚» E✖ΘTiC ⓒⓤⓣⓘⓔ ➜ ★ 💯%REAL! 📷✨ .... - 23
The Girl Mom Warned You About.... Is All Grown Up Now! - 19
(Abilene, Amarillo, El Paso, Lubbock, Midland / Odessa, In the city)
Im Back In Town... Sweet West Coast Italian Pleasures... Don't Settle For Less.. Outcalls Only - 26
(Lubbock Outcalls Only)
❤💊 ⭕ne DO$E & ¥ou W!ll βe @DD!¢TED💊✨Reward Yourself✨🌹🌹 SNEAKAWAY & Come PLAY🌹📢outCall Special - 22
°•*ஐ*•° DreamS ஐ Do ஐ cOMe ஐ TrUe °•*ஐ*•° ALSO: ( Pampa, Borger, Canadian, Wheeler) - 36
(Amarillo, any where you are)
** Double The Pleasure Double The Fun Us 2 Are #1 Call Us Both Have Fun ") 2 girl special - 19
(Midland / Odessa, lubbock,tx)
Sat 11 Jan
TOWN!!!! Come see me..guaranteed to have a GREAT time with this quality provider! - 30
(Lubbock, Lubbock incall)